Being able to respond to cyberattacks and digital threats is essential today. Understand the difference between cybersecurity and information security.
We live in a time when connectivity plays a leading role in companies, which on the one hand reap great benefits from the use of technology, but on the other are susceptible to cyber threats, a risk capable of generating incalculable losses.
In this scenario, it is essential that businesses of all sizes invest in security solutions that effectively protect their networks and data from cyberattacks by digital criminals.
Cybersecurity has been developing and evolving over time, being able to offer quick and efficient responses to the dangers of the digital world, which in turn are becoming more sophisticated, showing that we still have a long way to go when we talk about security in networks.
It is important to emphasize, however, that one of our greatest allies in this battle is knowledge, whether to avoid taking actions that lead to the installation of malware and exposure of vulnerabilities or to make better decisions in protecting our companies.
Cybersecurity vs. information security: what’s the difference?
To start the conversation that we want to have with you throughout our blog posts on this important subject of cybersecurity, it is important to have some key concepts clear.
Cybersecurity is not just another term for information security. These are different concepts. The confusion in this case is common and occurs for various reasons, such as the association with information technology or even because the digital environment is the great tool of information of our time.
But then, what is the difference between cybersecurity and information security?
Cybersecurity applies to a part of information security with a focus on digital protection, taking care of threats to information transported by cyber means. Information security, on the other hand, has a broader focus, taking care of reducing risks in data transport by any means, digital or not.
Most likely, however, the most important data of your business are located or transported in digital media, making this the most sensitive point for the security of your organization.
It is necessary to keep in mind that threats to the information security of your company, such as bank details, confidential financial information, documents, customer information, among others, are real.
You may be thinking: “Ok, but how to avoid cyberattacks?”.
To achieve this goal, it is necessary to have protection measures such as the implementation of well-defined internal processes and the correct installation and maintenance of security software, otherwise, you become an easy target for cyberattacks.
Even these measures, however, do not have 100% effectiveness.
First, because the human component is always subject to errors – intentionally or not; second, as much as the developers of the security system strive to keep up with and respond quickly to the evolution of cybercriminals’ strategies, this is not always possible.
Therefore, a good information security structure needs to have digital investigation services, using cyber intelligence in resolving attacks and preventing digital threats.
Partnering with a digital investigation company
We know that it is not always feasible for a company to have an internal cyber intelligence department. In most cases, this would not even be recommended, since to be efficient in these practices it is necessary to spend time and investment, which would divide attention with the core of the business.
But that doesn’t mean you should leave your company unprotected. Cybersecurity is an investment that generates long-term returns and avoids incalculable losses from cyberattacks, which can be both financial and image-related.
A solution in this case is to have a digital investigation company as a partner, which would act in cyber intelligence services focused on information security to protect your sensitive data and respond quickly and effectively to cyber threats and attacks by criminals.
STWBrasil is an expert in information security, with extensive expertise in the digital environment and a multidisciplinary team of qualified professionals in constant updating to offer all the protection that your company needs.
In addition to carrying out digital forensic investigation in the face of criminal practices, STW offers a range of solutions, from technology to protect your data to disaster recovery, without neglecting the importance of end-user education, an essential factor for the prevention of digital crimes.
Want to know more about the security of your data, how to protect yourself from cyberattacks, and much more? Like our page on social networks and continue following our blog to access more exclusive content!
In times where we are moving towards everything being connected, knowing how to protect information is more than an option: it is fundamental.
See you next time!